Supply List


Homeschool Program

  • Plain 3 ring binder of choice (we will decorate this together)

  • Composition Notebook  

Enrichment Program

  • Plain 3 ring binder of choice (we will decorate this together) 

  • Composition Notebook

RECOMMENDED GEAR FOR Warm Weather - May thrOuGH late September

- FOOTWEAR: rain boots/croc-type water shoes/natives (NO FLIP FLOPS) 

- CLOTHING: light, summer-time layers that can dry quickly and get messy (read: mud, paint, strawberries, chicken doo doo)

- HEADWEAR: ball cap or sun hat 

- EYE PROTECTION: sunglasses 

What To Pack In YOUR Bag

- water bottle (this is a must

- lunch and snack 

- chapstick

- sunscreen 

- bug spray 

- extra socks (even an extra pair of shoes is helpful) 

- a full extra change of clothes 


Screen Shot 2021-08-05 at 12.50.54 PM.png

Here are some ideas of helpful winter layers to keep your explorer comfy cozy

- Waterproof boots/shoes (insulated bogs are an amazing hybrid choice)

- Wool blend socks

- Warm hat/gloves 

- Long johns 

- Fleece or wool blend sweater

- Fleece or down vest

- Warm coat that can get dirty 

- Quick dry pants or snow bibs - snow bibs have been an awesome choice because they keep the explorer warm and cozy AND protected from the wet ground

- Raincoat

Polyester Fleece and wool blends are both AWESOME layering choices because they are soft and warm but also wick moisture away from the wearer. In general, PLEASE avoid sending your explorer wearing only cotton (even though cotton is the COZIEST indoors) because once cotton gets wet, it STAYS wet. 

Our friends over at Outdoor School Shop have incredible outdoor gear for growing kiddos: Outdoor School Shop

This website has awesome waterproof gear, OAKI

If you have any layers that your kiddos have grown out of that are looking for a new home, we are building a stash of extras for learners to utilize! 


RECOMMENDED GEAR FOR Cold Weather - October thrOUGH May

Here are the ways we prepare for cold weather learning. 

We always have: 

- Hand warmers for your kiddo to have toasty hands 

What To Pack In The Bag

- water bottle (this is a MUST

- chapstick

- extra socks

- any insulating layers your explorer isn't currently wearing but wants access during the day

- sack lunch (for Monday/Friday campers) 

⁃ snack in case your explorer gets hungry (for afternoon program campers) 

- bandana or mask in the event that we enter the enclosed packing shed 

- learning binder 

⁃ Thermos or mug for hot beverages


Here are some simple ways we will practice keeping everyone safe during this time. We currently do not require that children wear masks, but they are welcome to do so if they feel more comfortable!

1) Learning tools will continue to be sanitized, and we will continue to learn OUTSIDE. 

2) If your child exhibits any cold/flu symptoms (coughing/runny nose/sneezing/fever/nausea) within 24 hours of class, please keep them home out of respect to the health of the rest of the class. 

3) If your child exhibits cold/flu symptoms at Bloomsbury Farm School, you will be called to come pick them up.